08 Jan 2025


Life in Japan

How To Reduce Flyers In Postbox

If you live in Japan, you may see stacks of advertisement flyers in your mailbox from time to time, but there is a way to reduce the number of advertisement leaflets! The solution is quite simple: put a sentence on your letterbox saying “無断投函お断り”, which…


Guide to Divine Trees Garden Hiking in Taiwan

As a Taiwanese who marries a Singaporean, I feel it’s my responsibility to introduce the beauty of Taiwan to my husband. Except for places people usually go like Alishan (阿里山, A-Li-Shan) and Sun Moon Lake (日月潭, Ri-Yue-Tan), Makauy Ecological Park (馬告生態園區, Ma-Gao-Sheng-Tai-YuanQu) is a place…


SEO Q&A – Questions I have been asked

This article is to share some SEO-related questions I was often asked in the past few years and my humble opinions. Please feel free to ask questions or discuss, I will keep updating. Personal Competence And Career Planning Related Q: I am interested in SEO,…

Life in Japan

3D2N in Kusatsu and Karuizawa

Our Japan exploration started with Kusatsu (草津), one of Japan’s most famous onsen spots, which is also very close to Tokyo (about 4 hours away). You can choose to make a 2-day-1-night trip but because Kusatsu is also very close to Karuizawa (軽井沢) so we…